Brave New World Distribution

About us

After having played almost everything I could get a hand on, I encountered US games in 1976 when my father took me to a comic store in cologne where I bought the red D&D Box and SPIs Stargate. Suddenly endless universes opened up. At school I started translating the games for my favorite store Fantastic Shop and finally worked for them full time from 1987 on in their distribution and publishing branch „Fantasy Productions“. I built up the distribution business for them until we parted in 2004 at the end of the Clix hype and I opened my own store „Brave New World“.

We quickly realized that established distributors in our home country (germany) always calculated $=€, and used these profits to further their publishing goals! Which was inacceptable.

BNW Distribution committed itself to never establish their own publishing brand. Here are the reasons for this:

  1. As a distributor we do not want to compete with you as a manufacturer! If we would have our own publishing brand, we would be very tempted to do exactly this.
  2. We do not want to finance a (pretty safe) publishing branch by channeling profits from the distribution side into it!

We want to offer you the broadest selection of products for the lowest price, highest flexibility in a fast evolving market. Speed, low cost and a huge product portfolio are our means for survival and growth in an ever expanding market.


Robert Simon